Hey everyone,
This week I am mixing things up and sharing some of my favourite resources from Teachers Pay Teachers. If you are new to the site all you need is an e-mail address to sign up and you are good to go! Be warned it is seriously addictive, a little like browsing on pinterest... You know the way you just keep clicking and wonder how you managed to end up on teacher outfits when you were looking for a science expereiment!! Well with that warning - I give you my best picks from TPT.
Free Free Free!!!
1. Roll a Story Writing Activity made by MsJordanReads
Classes will love rolling a dice to mix-and-match st
ory elements to create their very own story.
2. Division of the Day for Upper Grades made by Jennifer Findley
Division problems (1 digit and 2 digit divisors with 3-4 digit dividends)
Children asked to do the following on their sheet:
Solve the problem.
Check the answer with multiplication.
Create a story problem to match the division problem.
3. Profile of a Scientist made by Riona Kelly
Have either laminated information about scientists/ have a Powerpoint detailing the informaion and you will have the perect lesson with this brilliant template to accompany it.
4. What a Dilemma Poem and Teaching Guide made by Rachel Lynette
Pefect way to get children to connect with poetry helping them to create their own poem based on their own experiences and emotions.
5.Brain Breaks Roll a Brain Break made by Rachel Lynette
You may not always have access to the laptop to put on GoNoodle so this freebie will be the perfect backup to have! All you need is a dice!!
You will need to pay a small fee for these ones!!!!
Dear Teacher, I can explain … is a fun, persuasive writing activity that the students will love. Havng them write a persuasive letter to their teachers to explain why they couldn’t finish their (imaginary) homework. The more ridiculous the excuse, the more fun students will have with this!!
If you have a class for an extended period this would be handy to have. It is so detailed and they are tried and tested lessons!
Concpets addressed throughout;
-Place Value
Love this resource - everthing you need for a fun english lesson. The stations cover Oral Language, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary and Grammar.
These are my personal favourites
Love it - perfect for individual assessments.
Used this with third class when they worked collaboratively together. Loved hearing what they could do differently the next time.
Can't reccomend these beauties enough!! Used them while I was with 5th class when we were doing a novel study.
5. 15 Minute Timer made by Teacher's Take-Out
This PPT changes slides after every minute it's brilliant. The classes loved it - especially when working against the clock.

So there you have it, my top picks!
Have you seen anything on TPT that you love OR that has been useful in the classroom? If so why don't you share below.