The minute I got out of the shop I had to inspect them and was pleasently surprised by the size of them (2cm) and the quality of them.
Here are some ideas of how I am going to use them in the classroom
- Work as a class and ask someone to roll the dice ask a child to begin a story using one of the pictures as their starting point. Then, ask a new child to continue the story by including another of the pictures. Repeat until all 6 pictures have been used in the story.
- Work in small groups and have 'story telling' sessions where the group works together to tell a story which involves all 6 of the pictures.
- Pair work. One child rolls the dice and tells a story using the cubes. The other child has to listen and remember the story, then retell it to others in the class.
- Roll the dice and share the pictures with the class. Ask all of the children to tell / write a story which includes all of the images. Share the stories at the end of the session and compare them... how were they similar / different?
- Roll two or three of the cubes and ask children to think of a super sentence which involves the pictures shown.
- Give the children a grid with six boxes on it. Ask the children to roll a set of dice and put one in each box on the grid. They should then tell / write a story which includes the images in the order shown on their grid.
- Roll one of the dice and identify the picture (e.g. plane). Then:
- Ask the children for words to describe the plane.
- Think of ways to help them remember how to spell 'plane'.
- Share words that mean the same as plane.
- Think of words which rhyme with plane.
- Give the children some cube nets and ask them to make their own paper sets of storytelling dice. Which images would help to make an interesting / exciting story.
P.S. For those who can't get to a Tiger and are interested in these I will be giving away this fantastic find to a lucky follower over the next few days!!!!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.